
Historical context of SLAP

The idea for the creation of the Latin-American Society of Primatology (SLAP) happened in 1986, during the XI Congress of the International Society of Primatology celebrated in Gotinga(from the German Göttingen), Germany. The argument for this to happen was the increasing interest shown in those years for the work and research in the primatology’s field by latin-american countries, and so did the disposal of regional researchers, mainly headed by Dr. Milton Thiago de Mello, who will became the first president of the SLAP.

This efforts were concreted with the formal foundation of the SLAP on November 20th of this year, during the Regional Scientific Meeting of Laboratory Animals, in the Paulista School of Medicine, in the city of Aguas de Lindóia, São Pablo, Brasil.

The SLAP is constituted a cientific and cultural society which efforts where guided to Primatology’s development, as well as to facilitate the exchange and cooperation between scientists and institutions allowing the promotion of multidisciplinary activities in favor of the knowledge and preservation of primates.

After efforts through years of work, the Latin-American Society of Primatology stopped working on the early 90’s due to some issues to sustain communication and exchange between members, with Dr. Ernesto Rodriguez Luna as its last President.

It was not until August 2012, during the XXIV International Congress of the International Society of Primatology in Cancun, Mexico, that an important number of latin-american amount of primatologists gather with the intention of reformulate the activities of the Society and choosing Dr. Domingo Canales Espinosa as President.

We now share with you some historical documents about SLAP’s constitution intending the spirit that gave it origin to be reconsidered. At the same time, we renew our commitment with the search of mechanisms for the united work in favor of the study and preservation of Primates in the region. We start from the distinction to all of whom were involved into the constitute of the SLAP and to those who worked and are still working in the advance of Primatological Research in Latin-America. We hope that in this refoundation for young primatologists to get actively involved in the promotion and activation of our Society.

Constitución de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Primatología (4.2 Mb)